Instructions for new adult members

We kindly ask that you refrain from attempting to create an online membership account until this date.

Become a Member of the Narromine Sports and Fitness Centre today!

Step 1

To begin, visit the Client Portal and click on the “Join now” button.

Join Now Screen

Step 2

Select the type of membership relevant to your circumstances from the available options. (Please note, Council staff may confirm all concessional/student memberships if these are selected).

Membership Type Screen

Step 3

Now it’s time to select the payment plan you would like to purchase. Be sure to read all the information in each payment plan to ensure you choose the best plan for your needs. Once selected, click the ‘Next’ button:

Payment Plan Screen

Step 4

Next, select your starting date.

Membership Start Date Screen

Step 5

You are now required to complete your personal information, such as your name, email address and emergency contact details. 

Please ensure you complete all fields on the form, including the pre-exercise screening questions and details of the identification documents you will be using to confirm your membership.

If you have selected a concessional, student or emergency services personnel membership, you are required to provide details of the type of concession you have. (Council staff may contact you to sight and confirm the concessional documents).

NB: Adult memberships can leave these fields empty.

At the end of the form are the terms & conditions acknowledgement, medical information acknowledgement and marketing preferences. Please read and select as appropriate and click ‘Next’.

Personal Details Screen

Step 6

You will now be taken to the summary page. Please check all details are correct.

If you need to make any changes, please use the ‘previous’ button to go back and update your selections as required.

Membership Summary Screen

Step 7

Once you are ready to proceed, please ensure you view the membership agreement by clicking the ‘Read Full Agreement’ link. The agreement contains the terms and conditions of use you are bound by when using the facility.

Membership Agreement Screen

Step 8

If you are happy to proceed, select the ‘Yes’ button to agree to the terms and conditions. This will launch a signature panel for you to sign. Please sign within the signature panel and select ‘OK’, followed by ‘Next’.

Terms and Conditions Screen

Step 9

You will now be taken to our payment page to pay for your membership. Please complete your details and submit your payment.

Payment Screen

Step 10

If your payment is successful, you should receive a notification advising you to check your email for further details.

You are now an active member of the Narromine Sport and Fitness centre. Welcome aboard!

To access the facility and start your fitness journey, check out or other guides on how to install the mobile app and generate the required QR codes to access the facility.