Statutory Committees
Local Emergency Management Committee
(Quorum to be a minimum of six and must include a delegated Councillor representative. The Chair of the Committee shall be the General Manager or a Council Officer appointed by the General Manager)
- One Council representative, The Mayor
- One Alternate Delegate
- General Manager or nominee (Chair) (with voting rights)
- NSW Fire and Rescue Representative
- NSW Rural Fire Service Representative
- NSW Police Representative
- NSW Ambulance Representative
- VRA Representative
- SES Representative
- ARTC Representative
- DOCS Representative
- Regional Emergency Management Officer Representative
- Industry and Investment Representative
- Essential Energy Representative
- Western NSW Local Health Network Representative
- Local Land Services Representative (DPI)
Rural Fire Service Liaison Committee
(Quorum to be a minimum of four and must include a Councillor Representative and one Ranking Rural Fire Service Staff Member)
- Two Councillors and one Alternate Delegate
- Rural Fire Service Representatives - being one volunteer rural fire fighter from the District appointed by the local branch of the NSW Rural Fire Service Association Inc (RFSA) or in the absence of a local branch of RFSA, elected in accordance with the applicable Service Standard
- One member of the Service staff assigned to the District of Team nominated by the FCO and approved by the Commissioner. FCO will be the Committee's Executive Officer.
- Council Staff Representative – General Manager or his/her delegate (no voting rights).
Local Traffic Committee
(Quorum to be three formal members and must include a Councillor representative, as Chair)
- One Councillor
- One Councillor as Alternate Delegate
- One Delegate for State Member for Dubbo, Cr Jones
- One NSW Police Representative
- One Transport for NSW Representative
- Council Staff Representatives – General Manager, Director Infrastructure & Engineering Services, Manager Engineering Services (no voting rights)
- Informal advisors (may be invited from time to time as required)
General Manager's Performance Review Panel
- One Councillor appointed by Council
- Mayor
- Deputy Mayor
- Councillor Nominated By General Manager
Audit Risk and Improvement Committee
(Quorum to be majority of independent voting members)
- One Councillor
- One Councillor as Alternate Delegate
- One Independent Chair and Two Independent Members