NSW Swimming Pool Register
Recent changes to legislation, designed to enhance swimming pool safety for children under the age of five years, has seen the implementation of the Swimming Pool Register by the NSW State Government.
From 29 April 2013 pool owners are required to register their backyard swimming pool on this register, which can be found at www.swimmingpoolregister.nsw.gov.au.
For those pool owners who do not have access to a computer, they can request their local Council to complete the registration on their behalf.
The Swimming Pool Register will provide pool owners with pool safety checklists to help them assess whether their pool meets safety standards.
To register your pool is free, and pool owner's have until 29 October 2013 to do so. After this time a penalty may be applied to owners who have failed to register their pool.
From 29 April 2016 any property owner who has a pool and wishes to sell or lease their property will be required to obtain a Compliance Certificate.For more pool safety information and tips go to www.bepoolsafe.com.au